YES, this is fascinating to me too. Perhaps he did become Lestat and somehow daylight doesn't effect him.

I do feel like he is straddling the borders off parody but in a way that's not been seen before. As in non comedic.

The picture at the baseball match reminds me of a time he attended an awards event, both times his face looked pumped full of filler. It's not the natural/barely there aging face we all recognise. I do wonder how he lives his day-to-day life, it must be incredibly restrictive. I think if I was Tom I'd probably be employing these brilliant impersonators and Ai experts so I could have a rest.

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Hey thanks for reading and commenting. Agreed that there is something unironic about the performance of self. He must have lost touch with all reality by now. But if I had that life and level of adulation I probably wouldn't want to grow old either.

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Yeah 💯 he's a fascinating character. And that's the thing, he doesn't seem real, he seems more like a character playing a part at *all* times. Great piece.

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